The last shot shows him crossing off "walk across America" on his bucket list, with a closeup of the Levi's back pocket. Guess what? Adweek says it was all sponsored by Levi's.
So, is this cool? It's free, after all. No one is hurt by the implied promise of a true story. Yet if we all know traditional advertising is fake, which is why we're rushing to social media to find fresher, grittier, more realistic content, do we really want to find manipulated material there as well? It's lovely art direction, Levi's. But is seeding the Internet with fake virals about arduous adventures with no disclosure, well, really building brand loyalty?
P.S., if you want to see real truth, Christoph Rehage walked 4,646 kilometers across China. We can almost hear the Levi's agency pitch meeting: Dudes, remember that crazy guy who hiked across Asia? We'll film it in a month, except with your jeans. And our guy will have better hair.
this article was shamelessly lifted in my laziness from
Isn't 4646 miles something like the length of the river nile? Impressive!!Eva x